International Primate Rescue started life as the Marmoset Welfare Foundation in March 1996 in Polokwane, South Africa, where founder Sue Mousley had been caring for primates since 1990. Fascinated by the strange and unstable behavior patterns of a Common Marmoset monkey named “Meggie”, she was prompted to study behavioral problems and other disorders in captive, orphaned and hand raised non-human primates.
The sanctuary, the first of its kind in South Africa, received its first monkey, an eight-month old Common Marmoset named “Cheeky”, in April 1996. After a report on national TV in South Africa, the sanctuary was inundated with requests to receive problem monkeys. In 1998, the sanctuary was offered a very disturbed Bolivian Squirrel monkey, and 15 month old Bobby became the first primate other than a Marmoset to be cared for at the sanctuary. By September 2001 Sue and the primates were obliged to relocate to a larger property in order to accommodate the swelling numbers of primates in need and the name changed to International Primate Rescue. Iris, a Patas monkey became the first international rescue case and was flown from Israel to the sanctuary in South Africa in February 2002. The rescue was widely reported, and IPR has since received numerous requests to assist in international rescues. The sanctuary has since received primates in need from as far afield as Mali, Germany, Hungary, Israel and France

The sanctuary, which relocated from Polokwane to Pretoria, South Africa in 2010, currently cares for over 60 primates, including Marmosets, Tamarins, Capuchins, Macaques, Squirrel Monkeys, Lemurs and Owl Monkeys. Many are hand reared ex-pets who arrive with behavioral problems and require rehabilitation from psychological disorders. The sanctuary houses ex-laboratory, ex-pet and ex-zoo exotic primates, who are unable to be returned to the wild, and therefore our time and focus is aimed at ensuring all enclosures are as suitable and comfortable for each individual as possible. The demand for this service is growing relentlessly; we receive a constant stream of requests to rescue homeless primates in South Africa and abroad.
International Primate Rescue also provides temporary housing for primates who have been confiscated by the authorities and are awaiting court action and a decision by the judge regarding their future.
Our mission at International Primate Rescue is to relieve the suffering of unwanted primates and to provide the best possible standard of care at our sanctuary. At IPR, we also strive to discourage, provide help, awareness and educate people that wish to, or already own a primate. Our target is to develop a near wild experience for our primates.

PLEASE NOTE: International Primate Rescue is not open to the public, does not trade in primates and does not allow breeding.